Marketing Agency in Kerala


Marketing and Marketing Strategy

Marketing, in simple words, is the activity that a company does in order to promote and boost the buying or selling of a product or service. Chams Global is the leading marketing agency in Kerala that can transform your marketing strategies into the next level. Marketing consists of four Ps that should be properly analysed before formulating a marketing strategy. These are product, price, place, and promotion. A marketing strategy is the overall plan of a business to reach the target customers and then to turn them into consumers. There are different kinds of marketing strategies at various levels. These are product strategy, market scope strategy, promotion strategy, pricing strategy, and distribution strategy.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing has been the popular method of marketing nowadays. It is a marketing type involving the making and sharing of materials online. These involve social media posts, videos and blogs. Content marketing strategy does not directly promote a brand. It is aimed to arouse interest among the public regarding their products or services. To succeed in content marketing, it is necessary to build a comprehensive strategy. In the long run it will result in a profitable action from the customers. We are the leading marketing company in Kerala , formulating marketing techniques that suits your product.

Features of a Great Content Marketing Strategy

A content marketing strategy to be powerful, it requires five indispensable elements. These are brand positioning, audience personas, business case, owned media value proposition, and an action plan. Let us analyse the importance of each of these elements and how it can be implemented.

  • Brand positioning
  • There should be a clearly defined positioning for your brand and product. This will help you to give a consistent experience to the audience and build an image through the various channels of content marketing. Here are some questions that will enable you to check your position in the market. Who are your customers, what do they need? Who are your competitors and what strategies do they employ? What is the unique value of your brand? How can your product solve the problems faced by customers? Why are your product better than your competitors?

  • Audience personas
  • Identifying the target audience is the first and foremost step that every company should take. It can be done by some methods. By surveying who are your current customers, researching about the trends in industry, finding out whom you do not want to target and knowing whom are targeted by your competitors are some ways by which you can find out the target customers.

  • Owned media value propositions
  • A defined owned media value proposition will aid you in finding a point of differentiation in your strategy. It helps to compete effectively.

  • Business case
  • content marketing should also help in boosting your business along with attracting customers. You should identify what are your business goals to achieve the desired results through content marketing. It also helps in analysing how many resources should be invested and what are the results you aim for.

  • Action plan
  • Finally, your major content marketing campaigns and projects can be listed for the year. It can be added to the content plan. Chams Global, being the leading marketing agency in Kerala has a rich experience in formulating marketing strategies that can boost your business.