Relationship Between Business Growth and Brand Awareness


Brand awareness is defined as a measure of the extent to which customers are familiar with the qualities, products or identity to a particular business. It is dependent on the consumer's ability to recollect and recognize a brand and associate it with a particular product or service. The consumer's ability to recognize or recall a brand is central to purchasing decision-making. Purchasing is not possible unless a consumer is first aware of a product category and a brand within that category. The greater the brand awareness a business enjoy, the more its products and services are recognizable to its target audience. Recognition is not same thing that any business takes lightly.


Brand awareness is one of the major brand assets that adds value to the product, service or company. Products and services that maintain a high level of brand awareness are likely to generate more sales and also people pay more attention to brand products than an unfamiliar one. To ensure a product or brand's market success, awareness levels must be managed across the entire product life-cycle. Many marketers regularly monitor brand awareness levels and if it fall below, a predetermined threshold, the advertising and promotional efforts is intensified until awareness returns to the desired level. Investing in building brand awareness can lead to sustainable competitive advantages, which leads to long-term value.


Brand awareness familiarizes the public with a product and differentiates it from competing brands. Creating brand awareness is a key step in promoting a new product or reviving an older brand. Businesses that maintain high level of brand awareness are likely to generate more revenue because consumers are more likely to buy familiar brand names compared to unknown ones.

Trust is one of the most powerful tools for influencing customer loyality and good branding awareness is crucial for this. It is the foundation of acquiring a customer audience and helping them understand and become comfortable with your products and services. The more people believe in your brands, the more likely it is, that they will choose to do business with you.

Brand awareness also helps you to achieve a range of business objectives and goals. It can expand your audience, increase website traffic, build affinity and cultivate leads. It helps to build strong relationship between consumers and businesses, offering multiple benefits for both parties.

By increasing brand awareness business owners can improve their marketing efforts and maximize returns on their marketing investment.

Increase Brand Awareness With Charms Global

Charm's is one of India's rapidly emerging custom-made integrated Brand Promotion Agency in UAE . We combine decades of integrated brand marketing experience with cutting edge technologies to figure out exactly what works for you, thriving at the crossroads where creative excellence meets data-driven strategies.

We can help you take advantage of marketing oppurtunities to help further expose your brand and our proffesionals will help you strategize, execute and maximize your brand awareness on the island.

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